37 weeks pregnant! And the picture above is when I was 36 weeks pregnant... so I am even bigger than this picture!! 

I keep on forgetting/running out of time to keep up this blog. I cannot believe how fast the time is going... is seems so surreal that this week is the start of July and next week I shall be 38 weeks which was my long time goal... well that and having a healthy baby,.

How am I doing? How is baby doing? I am doing alright for being this far along in my pregnancy. My hands and feet are itching like crazy so the doctor took some blood work to make sure I don't have "intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnacy, a liver problem that affects less than 1 percent of pregnant women in the United states." Which is kinda scary to think I could have this because it could affect baby more so than me... So glad my doctor is taking all the precautions to make sure our baby stays safe and well inside of me. 

At my 36 week appointment I was shocked to find out that I was 3cm dilated already!! At my 37 week appointment I was almost 4 cm dilated... I don't know if it means that I just dilate very early or that baby will come soon! I hope baby will come either at 38 weeks or 39 weeks. My doctor is actually gone for my 38 week of pregnancy so everyone is joking I shall give birth then that or when all of my family is gone on vacation which is about when I hit 39 weeks. My doctor keeps on saying he does not think I shall go past or even hit my due date, that baby Singer will come earlier than that. If baby is healthy and ready before that... then I would love to welcome baby Singer to this world a bit earlier! 

As far as how ready we are for little one... the nursery is still not done, I need to prep the diapers, diaper is almost all the way packed but I need to finish packing it. Hospital bag is not even started, car seat is still in baby's room... hopefully we get all of that done today!! It will be weird seeing a car seat in our car... us expecting our baby soon!! 

I am so ready to be a mom, I get anxious a lot of the times thinking  of all the challenges we will have to over come but then I look at those ultrasound pictures and I tell myself that those challenges will be so worth it. 

I am trying to prepare myself for people telling us how to raise our baby... I have to get it in my head that this precious baby is indeed mine and I can say how baby will be raise unlike when I use to watch other peoples kids I would be afraid to do something to their kid that they would not approve of and always asking if I am doing it to their standards. I can already see people trying to show me how to raise my baby or trying to take baby away from me... I can hold my baby when ever I want and baby is mine...our baby! 

I wonder how paranoid I will be when I see other people hold my baby? I know I will be praying that they have steady/clean hands... I am a huge germ phoebe and I will be asking/telling people to have clean hands before touching out baby,

Well, hopefully I shall update this blog so  

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